Monday, January 15, 2007

speaking beyond words....

Monday, January 15, 2007
Sometimes words are not enough.

The Spirit helps our weakness; for we so do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints (us set apart to Him ones) according the will of God. (Romans 8:26-27)

This past month has presented unprecedented challenges.

Although I have written some on the difficulty in my blog, Art Thoughts with Judith Reidy, I have wanted to create a painting that reflected an unbifricated view the world God had shown me at this time.
I wanted to express a truth as I saw and felt it, a truth that if expressed in words could not assault our minds eye and capture our attentional amazement.
I wished to create a piece that was
not merely narrative
and definitively framed.

I desired to relay the tension and mystery attending the vision.

I had reshaped an old image in view of recent revelations.
The painting needed to reflect truth.
The strength and resilience of the bold colors of the past were
recast in gray,
like gauze over a wound
or a cloak over an exposed soul.
Humility before Him overshadows the power of self-sufficiency.

Will the day dawn and morning star arise in the heart?

Will attention be given to the lamp shining in a dark place?
Who is the naked one? Who covers their head? Who is broken before Him?


Anonymous said...

Thank you Judith.

May the Lord bless and keep you and make His face shine upon you and bring you peace ...

Ian Hamilton

Anonymous said...

Hi, Judith. Glad to see you are still working on your figures - hope school is going well for you. I like your new painting - it reminds me of how we sometimes we just carry on with the mundane tasks of life behind a mask of normality while in fact we are stripped down to nothing and broken before the Lord. Very powerful.

Take care,


Anonymous said...

Hi, Judith. Glad to see you are still working on your figures - hope school is going well for you. I like your new painting - it reminds me of how we sometimes we just carry on with the mundane tasks of life behind a mask of normality while in fact we are stripped down to nothing and broken before the Lord. Very powerful.

Take care,
